Un prieten este cineva care te cunoaste asa cum esti, intelege ce ai fost, accepta ce ai devenit si, cu blandete, te lasa sa cresti in continuare. William Shakespeare
M-am gandit de cateva zile sa va scriu despre prietenie, ceea ce m-a determinat sa va scriu este o persoana draga sufletului meu , o persona minunata care se afla la mii de km distanta, dar care imi demostreaza mereu ca imi este o prietena oricand si in orice situatie m-as afla.
O prietenie puternica poate traversa mii de km doar cu sufletul, doar cu gandul, doar cu dorinta ca aceea persoana sa zambeasca. Prietenia este ceea ce te face sa mergi mai departe, sa ai incredere ca poti sa faci mai multe.
Eu am parte de o astfel de prietena, care a avut un aport deosebit la realizarile mele, chiar daca au trecut 6 ani de cand nu ne-am mai vazut...
Aceea persona minunata se numeste Criss , and she is my girl:). Nu i-am cerut acordul de a scrie despre ea pe pagina mea, dar am considerat ca merita sa vada toata lumea care imi citeste blogul cat de mult o apreciez si cat de mult tin la ea!
Criss, este o persona puternica care a reusit mereu sa mearga mai departe, sa zambeasca si sa sadeasca un "pom" acolo pe unde a trecut . Este o persona care a stiut ceea ce isi doreste si nu a dat inapoi oricat de greu a fost, de aceea au ramas langa ea numai persoanele minunate care au stiut sa o aprecieze asa cum merita ea!
Iti multumesc pentru ca faci parte din viata mea!
Un prieten este o raza de soare...
Un prieten este puterea de a continua
Un prieten este o speranta...
Un prieten este dorinta de a prospera,
Un prieten este acela care te critica,
Un prieten este acela care iti iubeste defectele.
Prietenul e acela care te ajuta sa “zbori”…
El te ajuta sa iesi la suparafata…
Here is the translation girls :)
A strong friendship can cross thousands of miles only to the soul, just thinking , just wish that that person smile . Friendship is what makes you move , you can trust that you can do more .
I am part of such a friend , who had a great contribution to my accomplishments , even if it has been six years since we 've seen...
That person is called Criss wonderful , and she is my girl :) . I have not asked for consent to write about it on my page, but I thought it was worth seeing everyone who reads my blog and how much I appreciate how great is my love for her
Criss is a strong person who always managed to go further, to smile and to plant a " tree " out there everywhere she walked.
It is a person who knew what she wants and did not give back no matter how hard it was , so she just stayed near the wonderful people who knew how to appreciate as it deserves !
Thank you for choosing to be in my life!
Here is the translation girls :)
Friendship can cross the ocean
A friend is someone who knows you as you are , understands what you have been , accepts what you have become and gently, let it grow further . William Shakespeare
I thought a few days to write about friendship , which led me to write about a beautiful person , which is a thousand miles away, but I think we proved that friendship can ever resist a thousand miles away.A strong friendship can cross thousands of miles only to the soul, just thinking , just wish that that person smile . Friendship is what makes you move , you can trust that you can do more .
I am part of such a friend , who had a great contribution to my accomplishments , even if it has been six years since we 've seen...
That person is called Criss wonderful , and she is my girl :) . I have not asked for consent to write about it on my page, but I thought it was worth seeing everyone who reads my blog and how much I appreciate how great is my love for her
Criss is a strong person who always managed to go further, to smile and to plant a " tree " out there everywhere she walked.
It is a person who knew what she wants and did not give back no matter how hard it was , so she just stayed near the wonderful people who knew how to appreciate as it deserves !
Thank you for choosing to be in my life!
A friend is a ray of sunshine ...
A friend is the power to continue
A friend is a hope ...
A friend is a desire to prosper,
A friend is someone who criticizes you
A friend is someone who loves you flaws.
A friend is one who helps you "fly" ...
It helps you get to the inside surface ...